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1. On board an ePortfolio project in AAA 090 classes:  The challenges that we expect are based on the experience on other institutions that have implemented ePortfolio initiatives.  These include technological integration and issues, achieving instructor buy in/comfort in presenting this new technology to students so they will see value in the project and designing an ePortfolio template that will promote deep reflection and allow for creativity.  The opportunities include a platform for students to reflect on their learning in a more autonomous manner, a tangible product or “evidence” of learning for assessment purposes as well as increased satisfaction of instructors to see their student’s growth and development.   The opportunity for students is to have a tangible product to showcase their growth and development as a college student and have the ability to create a “career portfolio” to showcase themselves to transfer institutions, scholarship committees and employers in the future.  Additionally is hypothesized that creating an ePortfolio will result in increased motivation and academic self-efficacy of students because they will be engaged in their learning.
  • ePortfolio was piloted in select sections of AAA 090 Summer 2015, Fall 2015 and Spring 2016 (learning/career ePortfolio) and also in the Catalyst program from Fall 2015-Spring 2016 (career ePortfolio). Outcomes focused on self-reported gains in confidence related to information technology as well as the ability to articulate ones strengths and assets in future interview and networking experiences. Results of this pilot have been mixed with students seeing great value in the overall experience of exposure to emerging technologies, but citing lack of time to engage with ePortfolio beyond classroom and program expectations. Additionally, some felt that ePortfolio served as another “cloud” to house documents and projects rather than as an opportunity to showcase their skills and abilities. It has been determined that institutional assessment and career services would be more appropriately equipped to scale this technology campus-wide. AAA and Catalyst will continue to be a touch-point for career services to market this technology to students.
2. Embed peer coaches in AAA 090 classes:  Challenges for the program include finding, hiring, and training the right peer coaches and proving adequate ongoing support.  Also, careful tracking will need to be coordinated to address the project objectives highlighted above.  Opportunities include embracing a national best-practice to help predict retention, success, and completion.  If this pilot demonstrates promising results, we hope to expand it to other AAA090 classes, and then if the data supports growth, we hope to scale peer coaching to all AAA090 courses thereby serving 900+ new Aims students annually. 

3. Create an AAA Instructor Self Assessment tool:  The challenge will be to design structure and a tool that will allow instructors to be open and honest without fear of "evaluation."   The opportunity will be to provide instructors an avenue to reflect on their teaching for continual improvement, gain information/insight to offer professional development that will develop/advance instructor skills and potential informal assessment of student learning through instructor observations.  

Strategic Master Plan Goals

Goal 1 – Prepare Aims for the Learning Needs of Current and Future Students 1) Provide full-time faculty instruction in 60% of offered courses (+/-5%)
3. Hire one additional AAA full-time faculty member. AAA Dept. Chair and Assistant Director of FYE, 2015-20


1.) Increase the percentage of sections taught by full time faculty from 31% to 48% (Fall) to be closer to the institutional goal of 60% (Strategic Plan Initiative).  Full time faculty are more accessible to students in terms of hours on campus and having an office.  More frequent contact with a caring faculty member can be essential for retention of first time students testing into developmental courses who need extra support and guidance. 

“Students who have frequent contact with faculty members in and out of class during their college years are more satisfied with their educational experiences, are less likely to drop out, and perceive themselves to have learned more than students who have less faculty contact.” (K. Patricia Cross, 1998)

“It is the people who come face-to-face with students on a regular basis who provide the positive growth experiences for students that enable them to identify their goals and talents and learn how to put them to use. The caring attitude of college personnel is viewed as the most potent retention force on a campus.” (Noel, Levitz, & Saluri , 1985, p. 17)


Sections Taught by PT Faculty

Sections Taught by FT Faculty

Fall 2014

69% (20 out of 29)

31% (9 out of 29)

Spring 2015

47% (8 out of 17)

53% (9 out of 17)

Fall 2015

69% (20 out of 29)

31% (9 out of 29)

Spring 2016 (scheduled)

55% (11 out of 20)

45% (9 out of 20)

Projected Fall 2016 (3 FT Faculty)

52% (15 out of 29)

48% (14 out of 29)

 2.) Allow for more consistency in quality, easier implementation of assessment of student learning projects and innovations in teaching.  The number of hours required to properly train, support and monitor up to 16 part time instructors teaching AAA 090 is a barrier and detracts from the focus on students by the current chair and full time faculty.  

LONG TERM GOAL 1 Prepare Aims for the learning needs of current and future students.
Mid-term Goal 1: Close the gap in graduation rates between resident underserved & resident non-underserved students by 25%. (KPM 3.1)
13) Create and pilot two sections of CTE infused AAA courses. Denise Pearson 2014-2015

Mid-term Goal 2: Close the gap in the successful completion rates of entry-level gtPathways courses (English & entry level mathematics) between resident & underserved students & non-underserved students) by 25%. (KPM 3.3)
1) Implement AAA 090 career curriculum from the AQIP project – Helping Students Learn, Creating a Seamless and Intentional Career Engagement Continuum: Awareness to Career Choice in all AAA 090 classes starting Fall 2014. [KPI: Assess growth through pre/post assessment] Denise Pearson 2014-2018
5) Support mandatory AAA with full-time instructors. (notes: AAA has hired one FT faculty member this year.) (Assumption is that retention contributes to completion.) (this activity also supports LTG 1, MTG 7) Dean of Division III 2014-2015

LONG TERM GOAL 2 Continue to improve & enhance Aims’ image & reputation.
Mid-term Goal 3: Increase the completion rate of students in all degrees and certificates including those certificates less than 30 hours.
5) Expand AAA-CTE infused course offerings to following areas: automotive, oil and gas, education. AAA Department Chair/Assistant Director, FYE 2015-2020

Mid-term Goal 4: Increase programming at Aims that meets workforce needs.
10) Infuse the e-portfolio into AAA classes and the Catalyst program. AAA Department Chair/Assistant Director of FYE 2015-2018
11) Scale the e-portfolio to include targeted academic programs. Assistant Director of FYE 2015-2020

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