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Sherfield, Robert M., and Patricia G. Moody. Cornerstones for Community College Success. 2nd ed. Boston: Pearson Education, 2014. Print. 

Chapters Selected

    • Chapter 1 Change: Creating Success, Guiding Change, and Setting Goals
    • Chapter 2 Engage: Developing Your Personal and Academic Motivation
    • Chapter 3 Persist: Using the Tools of Self-Management to Stay in College
    • Chapter 4 Connect: Connecting with Technology, Research, and Information Literacy
    • Chapter 6 Prioritize: Planning Your Time and Reducing Stress
    • Chapter 8 Read: Building Your Reading Comprehension Skills
    • Chapter 9 Record: Cultivating Your Listening Skills and Developing a Note Taking System
    • Chapter 10 Study: Developing Your Memory, Study, and Test Taking Skills
    • Chapter 11 Prosper: Managing Your Money and Debts Wisely
Unit Structure

  • Unit 1: Change Creating Success, Guiding Change, and Setting Goals (Chapter 1)
  • Unit 2: Prioritize – Planning Your Time and Reducing Stress Time Management (Chapter 6)
  • Unit 3: Read- Building Successful Reading and Comprehension (Chapter 8)
  • Unit 4: Record – Cultivating Your Listening Skills & Developing a Note-Taking System that Works for You (Chapter 9)
  • Unit 5: Career Awareness & Research
  • Unit 6: Engage – Developing Your Personal and Academic Motivation (Chapter 2)
  • Unit 7: Study – Developing your Memory, Study, and Test-Taking Skills (Chapter 10)
  • Unit 8: Plan – Focusing on your Future and Professional Career (Chapter 13)
  • Unit 9: Persist – Understanding the Culture of Your Community College (Chapter 3)
  • Unit 10: Prosper - Managing Your Money and Debts Wisely (Chapter 11)
  • Unit 11: Navigating Finals Week & Course Wrap-up

Changes to Assignments from 2014-2015










Week One Assignment - Academic Success Agreement or Response to Instructor Letter (new)


New option of Letter to Instructor.docx


Game Plan


Simplified & shortened; Resource section integrated; SMART goals removed. Draft: Game Plan Assignment.docx


Letter to Me


Revised and additions to questions to help students make connections from "Game Plan Assignment" and "Time Management Assignment" to their goals. Draft: Letter to Me.docx


Vision  Board


Added 25pts based on feedback from AAA Instructor Meeting (Elly and Phyllis B). Draft: Vision Board.docx


Time Management Assignment


To do list section removed; Time log asks students to indicate “time zappers” vs. activities that have value and analyzing strengths/areas of improvement; Weekly Study Schedule & Dates/Deadlines Calendar are separate handouts with option for students to create their own version. Draft: 1. Time Management Assignment.docx 2. Blank Weekly Study Schedule.doc 3. Fall 2015 Dates and Deadlines Calendar


Reading Mastery Study Sheet #1 - SQ3R



Reading Mastery Study Sheet #2 - Money 101 Booklet



Cornell Notes



Mindset Essay


Revised to simplify questions; Added a question to ask students to apply understanding of growth mindset to classes (Linda Zamora's suggestion). Draft: Mindset Essay.docx


Aims Scavenger Hunt



Academic Plan



Career Research Essay (3 Parts)

1.) Sources & Outline 

2.) Draft

3.) Final Copy


1.) Removed the "case" concept to be more applicable to undecided students (based on feedback from Francie).

2.) Revised questions slightly and added a more direct question about their true color personality. 

3.) Added sources and outline for 25 points (based on feedback from Jared that there was too much time from the library presentation until the draft was due). 

4.) Guided outline and works cited template sheet are separate handouts (based on student feedback that the large packet is intimidating.)

Drafts: 1. Career Research Essay.doc 2. Career Research Essay - Sources and Guided Outline.doc 3. Career Research Essay - Works Cited Template Page.docx


Assignments Eliminated

1.) Reading Mastery Study Sheet #2 - Thinking Notes (CCR includes annotation in the curriculum; Money 101 Booklet includes practice in annotation).

2.) True Colors Assignment (Served the purpose to have students complete the true colors on ECOCIS if True Colors workshop missed; True Colors Make-up Assignment.docx created for those students).

Unit Learning Outcomes

Unit 1: Change Creating Success, Guiding Change, and Setting Goals (Chapter 1)
  • Describe instructor expectations in college for their behavior and attitude (differentiate from high school).
  • Set short-term goals for their performance in classes and develop a plan to achieve them (SMART goal system).
  • Identify resources for academic help specific for their courses this semester.
Unit 2: Prioritize – Planning Your Time and Reducing Stress Time Management (Chapter 6)
  • Explain the advantages and disadvantages of various time management tools. Practice using them to develop a personalized time management system.
  • Use a calendar or planner to write down deadlines for upcoming academic and personal commitments and deadlines.
  • Create a definite although reasonably flexible study schedule with defined times for studying using the study equation.
  • Have strategies such as a “to do list” to prioritize and keep track of completing academic and personal activities.
  • Build awareness to stress and ways to manage it.
  • Identify strategies for developing good study habits (studying in a location that is quiet and with few distractions, taking breaks, setting study goals such as the number of problems to complete or pages to read, etc.)
  • Plan for avoiding time management pitfalls (procrastination).
Unit 3: Read- Building Successful Reading and Comprehension (Chapter 8)
  • Apply SQ3R to improve comprehension and learning.
  • Create text notes based on annotation/”thinking notes” to interact and engage in reading.
  • Differentiate the main idea from supporting details while reading.
Unit 4: Record – Cultivating Your Listening Skills & Developing a Note-Taking System that Works for You (Chapter 9)
  • Identify strategies for listening effectively during class (overcoming obstacles, differentiating main ideas from details, knowing your listening purpose).
  • Take lecture notes in the Cornell format to distinguish main ideas from details.
  • Analyze your ability to capture a lecture with enough detail to re-teach yourself the content after you have forgotten it.
  • Describe strategies to reduce what you write by abbreviating words or using shorthand.
  • Utilize lecture notes as a study tool. (Cornell summary section, covering cue column to quiz yourself, comparing notes with a classmate, etc.)
Unit 5: Career Awareness
  • Build awareness to the career planning process and how involves self-awareness (values, interests, personality and skills) and career research.
  • Research the career that they want to pursue to make an informed decision.
  • True Colors
  • Identify their primary color and their color spectrum upon completion of in-class activities, describe key characteristics of the four colors, and explain the connection between temperament/color types and career choice.
Unit 6: Engage – Developing Your Personal and Academic Motivation (Chapter 2)
  • Understand strategies to increase their motivation.
  • Project what they see in their life upon/after graduation (vision for the future).
  • Answer the question “what keeps you in college.”
Unit 7: Study – Developing your Memory, Study, and Test-Taking Skills (Chapter 10)
  • Identify strategies to learn material while studying.
    • Creating graphic organizers (charts, diagrams, mind maps, etc.)
    • Relating or associating new material with information you already know
    • Using mnemonic devices or memory tricks to remember material that is difficult or requires memorization (sentences, words, pegging, songs, rhymes, journey method, etc.)
    • Using multiple ways to learn material visually, by hearing or hands on.
  • Create an effective test preparation plan.
    • Studying with classmates or a group to prepare for a test.
    • Quizzing yourself (quizlet, flashcards or Cornell cue column)
    • Overlearning material to recall rather than recognize it.
    • Guessing potential test questions and creating a study guide.
    • Reviewing old tests to analyze and learn from mistakes.
  • Recommend strategies to improve test taking skills.
    • Using strategies to answer objective test questions (multiple choice, true and false, etc.) and subjective test questions (short answer and essay).
    • Previewing a test and developing a strategy for answering the questions.
    • Memory data dump or writing down information that you may forget as soon as you receive the test.
    • Answering test questions in a strategic order to get the most points in the least amount of time.
    • Answering every question on a test, never leaving any blank.Using all of the test time.
    • Knowing strategies to overcome test anxiety.
Unit 8: Plan – Focusing on your Future and Professional Career (Chapter 13)
  • Plan their coursework for their degree/certificate.
  • Describe ways to build their qualifications and experiences in order to be competitive for entering their intended future career.
  • Learn how to promote and sell themselves in a cover letter, resume, and/or interview.
Unit 9: Persist – Understanding the Culture of Your Community College (Chapter 3)
  • Navigate the Aims website to locate information, understand resources and opportunities for involvement.
  • Describe the process for calculating your GPA.
  • Build familiarity with student support services, student rights and responsibilities, code of conduct and civility.
Unit 10: Prosper - Managing Your Money and Debts Wisely (Chapter 11)
  • Understand financial aid basics and scholarship searches.
  • Build awareness to money management basics (spending, budgeting, credit, investing, etc.)
Unit 11: Navigating Finals Week & Course Wrap-up
  • Review effective test preparation strategies for final exams.
  • Wrap up, review and celebrate the end of the semester

AAA 090 Curriculum Manual 2015-2016.pdf

AAA 090 Fall 2015 Master Syllabus.doc


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