AAA Archive 

Instructor Self Assessment

During Spring 2015, the AAA Assessment Team developed of the AAA Instructor Self Assessment as part of a process for instructors to evaluate their own skills and knowledge and reflect on professional development needs and priorities.   The information from the assessment results has been utilized for decisions regarding professional development topics during meetings as well as for instructors to identify areas of growth for goal setting. 

The AAA Assessment Team created the following two part assessment in June 2015 that was made available for instructors to take through an anonymous survey on Baseline.  Instructions and a demo for how to complete the assessment online was included in the Fall 2015 Faculty Enhancement Day on July 23, 2015

Two Part Assessment

AAA Self-Assessment Results Fall 2015.pptx
AAA Self-Assessment Results Fall 2015.pptx

Response to Results
Instructors were asked to review the items that they indicated as a medium or high priority and needs improvement from taking the Instructor Self Assessment.  From those, they were asked to write a SMART goal (specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, time-bound) that they could work towards in the fall semester during a AAA faculty meeting on 10/16.   The following meeting topics were planned based on highest priorities and needs improvement from assessment results.

  • 93.33% Highest Priority: Is sensitive to and accommodates diverse learning styles, abilities, cultures and experiences, including learners with disabilities and other special needs. 
    • Friday, October 30 - Special Guests Dana Jones and Aspen Bolsen, Disability Access Services Presentation on Read&WriteGold
    • Friday, November 13 - Round-table Discussion about Culturally Responsive Teaching
  • 80% Highest Priority & 80% Needs Improvement: Engages learners in activities that require them to use problem solving skills. 
    • Friday, November 6 - Round-table Discussion about Problem Solving in AAA
  • 53.33% Highest Priority & 66.67% Needs Improvement: Uses formative assessment, feedback and instructor observation to evaluate and align instruction 
    • Friday, October 2 - Special Guest Ross Perkins, Chair of Assessment Presentation on Formative Assessment
Additional Future Ideas
  • A “self-observation” for each instructor (either annually or every other year). 
    • Instructor would set up a method of recording a class session (only they would have access to view it). 
    • After the session, the instructor would review the video session and fill out a checklist and/or set of reflection questions. This information may be reviewed by the supervisor, but the supervisor wouldn’t ever see the recording.
  • A case study with several elements embedded into it 
    • Instructors answer questions or reflect on the case study; supervisors would be able to review the document.
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