AAA Archive 

AAA for Veterans

Piloted on the Loveland Campus Fall 2015 (Taught by Kara Tripician)

This course is specifically designed for students who are former veterans and active duty members of the United States Armed Forces.  Curriculum is geared toward assisting in the transition from military life to a college environment. Topics include goal-setting, time management, textbook reading strategies, note-taking, test-taking, listening techniques, concentration and memory devices, stress management and critical thinking for student success. Three credits.

  • This course will be designed to meet the unique challenges that veteran students face starting college and help them to build a supportive community on campus.  
  • Nationally, completion and retention rates for veteran students is low.  “Among the approximately 800,000 military veterans now attending U.S. colleges, an estimated 88 percent drop out of school during their first year and only 3 percent graduate, according a report forwarded by the University of Colorado Denver, citing a March 22, 2012 study by the Colorado Workforce Development Council.”  Source:  This course has the potential to help retain veteran students at a higher rate at Aims Community College.
Course Design
  • The common curriculum of AAA 090 will be themed adding relevant activities, special readings and videos for veterans.  The course outline will include panels of successful veteran students at Aims and four year colleges and relevant guest speakers.  
  • The required textbook will be "Life During College: The Veteran's Guide to Success"
  • New content will be created to meet the unique needs of this student population including the following:
    • Adjusting to changes from transitioning active duty "combat to college." 
    • Understanding and getting the most out of VA benefits
    • Managing stress and anxiety specialized for Veterans; Knowing your triggers, suicide prevention, seeking help, etc. 
  • Students who complete AAA for Veterans will be compared to students who are former veterans and active duty members of the United States Armed Forces that complete general AAA sections.  Sections will be compared in terms of completion of AAA 090, GPA in the course and learning gains (pre/post assessment). 
Course Evaluation Comments
Please list the things you liked about this course:
  • I enjoyed learning all of the new opportunities that college has to offer.
  • The guest speakers, material, and the instructor's accessibility and sincerity in her interactions with the students both individually and as a class.
  • Veterans, Think about your future, learning different ways of studying, The teacher, Career Research, networking
  • I loved the wealth of knowledge that came out of this class. There was so much knowledge that I would love if this class was longer, met more often and that we got more time. So much information that I can actually find useful and not just with becoming a more successful student but information that aids me outside of class in my personal life.
  • I felt at home in this Veterans class with my fellow vets. There was tremendous support and love for each of my classmates. This course supported the American Veteran and Aims college is doing a great service in honoring the Vets with respect and dignity.
  • Online library, financial aid, prioritizing, academic integrity.
Please list the things you disliked about this course:
  • I liked everything about this class.
  • The book. It wasn't bad, but it didn't really teach me anything I didn't already know. I am a non-traditional student so the book may be of more use to younger veteran students in this course.
  • the drive from greeley
  • Not long enough
  • Nothing was wrong with this class or the instructor Kara Tripician .
  • Course should be taught by a veteran.
Please list ways to improve this course:
  • Make it available to students at all campuses. It helped me a lot as a Veteran, having a class with people who understand me better than the normal population.
  • Add the ropes course field trip that was cancelled during our semester of AAA. Continue adding speakers and tutorials for fully accessing campus resources like the online library, iFocus workshops, and test and study success strategies. Overall I enjoyed the class and the way Kara presented it to us. I did learn about some tools to be a better student and where to find help when needed.
  • Offer the course in greeley for future students like myself.
  • Make it longer and give us more time to soak in more information
  • Please offer this class in Loveland campus to the incoming Veterans. This is such an important class in welcoming home the vets.
  • Possibly rearranging the order of subjects? Many were very helpful, but could have been more useful earlier in the course.
Q105. Would you recommend AAA090 for Veterans to be offered in future semesters?
Count Percent
6 85.71% Yes
1 14.29% No

Q106. How has being in a community of learners who identify as Veterans or active duty members of the United States Armed Forces impacted your success in this course and beyond?
Count Percent
7 100.00%

Count Percent
1 14.29% I have felt a greater bond with my classmates in this course than i have in any other class. Having a common ground has been very helpful, and i feel we all mesh well. It is a welcome change to have a class where everyone understands our points and where we are coming from. We are not the most refined group in the world, due to experiences we have had. Some regular college students may find us brash or upfront. It is great to have a place where we feel comfortable being ourselves, without the worry of scaring a civilian. I have made a lot of great friendships in this course, and i know that we will be able to help each other through college.This class affirmed my commitment to my education.
1 14.29% I made some friends, and it's important to have a healthy social life as well as learning.
1 14.29% It created a safe learning environment in which i knew that I wouldn't be judged. coming from the military I know that there are ares in which we excel at compared to traditional students and areas in which we need work improving upon. Having someone teach the course who understands our needs made it easier for most of us to learn and voice our opinions in class. It was nice to finally have a class where I felt safe, not only physically but in the fact that nobody would judge my views and opinions. It has also taught me how to better interact and participate in classes where there are not a whole lot of veteran students. I believe that this was the most successful part because now I feel like I can integrate better and work with civilian students in a way that I wouldn't have thought possible thus making me more successful in my college career. It would be disappointing to see such a successful class not continue in the future, I also believe that it should still be taught by kara because of the connection she has with the veteran community.
1 14.29% It has given me an opportunity to learn with fellow Vets and understand that we as vets have different learning skill set. I have great respect for my fellow vets and that has help with my success.
1 14.29% N/A
1 14.29% The camaraderie is definitely palpable. The special section of veteran students was of great value to me because we deal with unique transitional experiences and serve as mentors and support for our fellow veterans. The course as specifically tailored for veteran learners was a success in my eyes. It really provided for integration in to the student landscape and fostered community among us which is not often enjoyed on a commuter campus. I had my reservations at first thinking there wasn't anything new to learn but I was surprised with the knowledge I learned.
1 14.29% yes very much so

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