AAA Archive 

Department Goals

Goals 2016-2017

1. Expand the pilot of linked AAA and developmental courses.
2. Expand peer coach program in AAA 090 classes.
3. Create and pilot an AAA 090 hybrid course.
4. Create new promotional materials for AAA to increase understanding of the program for the campus, school counselor partners in concurrent enrollment and community.
5. Align AAA 090 curriculum including structure, unit course objectives/learning outcomes, assignments and activities and assessment.
6. Complete plan for improving student learning from the results of the Spring 2016 note-taking assessment project. 
  • Standardize Cornell note taking style teaching method to include best practices from top scoring instructors.
  • Provide more instruction related to assisting students in capturing more supporting details during a note take session.
  • Provide more practice and guided feedback to assist students in capturing more main topics and supporting details during note taking session.
  • Faculty training on newly assessed department goals related to Cornell Note Taking.

Strategic Master Plan Goals

Goal 1 – Prepare Aims for the Learning Needs of Current and Future Students 

1) Provide full-time faculty instruction in 60% of offered courses (+/-5%)
3. Hire one additional AAA full-time faculty member. AAA Dept. Chair and Assistant Director of FYE, 2015-2020
* Put on hold for discussion until 2017


1.) Increase the percentage of sections taught by full time faculty from 31% to 48% (Fall) to be closer to the institutional goal of 60% (Strategic Plan Initiative).  Full time faculty are more accessible to students in terms of hours on campus and having an office.  More frequent contact with a caring faculty member can be essential for retention of first time students testing into developmental courses who need extra support and guidance. 

“Students who have frequent contact with faculty members in and out of class during their college years are more satisfied with their educational experiences, are less likely to drop out, and perceive themselves to have learned more than students who have less faculty contact.” (K. Patricia Cross, 1998)

“It is the people who come face-to-face with students on a regular basis who provide the positive growth experiences for students that enable them to identify their goals and talents and learn how to put them to use. The caring attitude of college personnel is viewed as the most potent retention force on a campus.” (Noel, Levitz, & Saluri , 1985, p. 17)


Sections Taught by PT Faculty

Sections Taught by FT Faculty

Fall 2014

69% (20 out of 29)

31% (9 out of 29)

Spring 2015

47% (8 out of 17)

53% (9 out of 17)

Fall 2015

69% (20 out of 29)

31% (9 out of 29)

Spring 2016 (scheduled)

55% (11 out of 20)

45% (9 out of 20)

Projected Fall 2016 (3 FT Faculty)

52% (15 out of 29)

48% (14 out of 29)

 2.) Allow for more consistency in quality, easier implementation of assessment of student learning projects and innovations in teaching.  The number of hours required to properly train, support and monitor up to 16 part time instructors teaching AAA 090 is a barrier and detracts from the focus on students by the current chair and full time faculty.  

LONG TERM GOAL 1 Prepare Aims for the learning needs of current and future students.
  • Mid-term Goal 2: Close the gap in the successful completion rates of entry-level gtPathways courses (English & entry level mathematics) between resident & underserved students & non-underserved students) by 25%. (KPM 3.3)

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