AAA Archive 


This graph reflects the comparison of the averages of the Pre-Assessment inventory responses to the Post-Assessment inventory responses for the AAA 101 courses offered and completed during the Fall 2011 and Spring 2012 semesters.  The visual comparison of pre- to post-  learning outcomes can give a better understanding of the value of the AAA course curriculum to students completing the courses and can enhance the argument of the need for the courses.

The smallest learning outcome gains are those relating to personal behavior and/or success -

  Q 1 - I am pleased to be enrolled in this course.   (.21 gain)

  Q 2 - I am a confident person.   (.18 gain)

  Q 3 - College is a positive experience.   (.06 gain)


The largest learning outcome gains, with the top five gains bolded,  are those relating to academic behavior and/or success -

  Q 4 - I know how to set and reach a goal.   (.51 gain)

  Q 5 - I know how to study effectively.    (.95 gain)

  Q 6 - I have an effective system of note-taking.   (.97 gain)

  Q 7 - I use a study plan.   (1.01 gain)

  Q 8 - I know of several ways to study material.    (1.34 gain)

  Q 9 - I know how to read a textbook using SQ3R.    (2.46 gain)

  Q 10 - I know how to relate to my professors.   (.75 gain)

  Q 11 - I am a good manager of time.   (.35 gain)

  Q 12 - I am comfortable when taking a test.   (1.03 gain)

  Q 13 - I know how to take a test.   (.85 gain)

  Q 14 - I am a successful student.   (.53 gain)

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