AAA Archive 

Focus Groups

On an annual basis, focus groups are held with current students taking AAA 090 that are willing to participate.  Students are asked a series of questions about their experience by a person who is not an instructor.  Response transcripts are analyzed for themes.

AAA (non-themed) Focus Group Data 2014

Overall Implications:

AAA (themed) Focus Group Data 2015

Overall Implications:

1.    The most frequently coded cross-cutting themes revealed students getting the most out of the AAA content related to (not in ranked order):

ü  Test-taking

ü  Note-taking

ü  Time management

ü  Growth mindset


This reflects both the desire for this content, and that as a cohort AAA instructors are delivering this content well.  This content should continue to be taught in a similar manner given the positive feedback and impact.


2.    Students asked for more class time to be spent on learning college etiquette.  Specifically, even after taking AAA students were unclear of how to address/e-mail Instructors and overall how to communicate with college staff and faculty.  This should be an area of greater focus for AAA Instructors.


3.    Focus group participants identified a generational gap in students’ positive perceptions of the class.  Older students more readily identified the benefits of AAA, and younger students were sometimes disengaged.  A recommendation includes sending more messages catered to traditionally-aged college students about the benefits of AAA.  These messages might ideally come from peers, perhaps a traditional age-student who has taken the class could briefly address this early in the semester in person, through a video, or through print marketing.


4.    As a result of taking AAA, students made more informed decisions about adding, dropping, and withdrawing from classes.  This is a benefit of AAA and speaks to the partnership with the Student Success Center and Emerging Scholars Advisors who have a presence in the AAA classes.


1.    The most frequently coded cross-cutting themes revealed students getting the most out of the AAA content related to (not in ranked order):

ü  Career Planning & Selection

ü  Preparation & Organization (academic)

ü  Time management

ü  Peer Relationships & Collaboration

ü  Motivation & Mindset


This reflects students’ values related to AAA content areas. While all of these areas are currently being taught in non-themed AAA courses, “Career Planning & Selection” and “Peer Relationships & Collaboration” have not previously surfaced as reoccurring and significant themes in prior focus group data. This may indicate Themed AAA Course instructors either emphasize this directly in the curriculum, or the nature of the themed course (being grouped with other students with similar occupational goals) fosters an environment for these themes to grow. This content should continue to be taught in a similar manner given the positive feedback and impact.


2.    Students expressed gratitude and appreciation for an instructor with previous experience and/or extensive knowledge within the themed career field. Students valued the personal experiences and additional information the instructor could provide. Identifying instructors with tacit knowledge and personal experiences in a particular field would be most beneficial for instructing a themed AAA course.


3.    Focus group participants identified the career panels as a major factor that helped solidify their career decisions. The career panels allowed students the opportunity to begin networking within their career field. Students also began to conceptualize their career choice, view their career positively and potentially clear-up any career choice misconceptions. These steps are essential for producing positive outcomes in their career development process such as mature career decision-making skills, career decidedness and ultimately career satisfaction. This in-class activity should be expanded to be included in all themed AAA courses given the positive impact and growth opportunity for students.


4.    As a result of being in a community of learners in their themed AAA course, students built a comradery and support system because of the similar career paths, interests and personality traits. Students were able to build relationships with peers quicker and more deeply compared to other classes they experienced. This is a result of the classroom environment the AAA instructor creates and enhances, and is often noted in other non-themed AAA data; however, it seems this factor may be enhanced within a themed AAA course. This environment should continue to be supported by AAA instructors in themed AAA courses and possibly non-themed AAA courses could help facilitate these relationships by intentionally connecting students with others in the classroom.


Most Frequently Appearing Codes (2014)

(in order of frequency)


1.    How has AAA contributed to your success

a.    By helping improve time management skills

b.    By helping improve organization

c.    By increasing motivation and helping me adopt a Growth Mindset


2.    What are the top three things you learned from AAA?

a.    Time management

b.    Taking notes

c.    Growth mindset

d.    Better organization

e.    That a student should use a planner, and best practices for using one


3.    In what ways do you see yourself as different after taking AAA?

a.    Less procrastination

b.    Better mindset/outlook

c.    More motivated to be successful in college

d.    Better knowledge of campus resources


Most Frequently Appearing Codes 2015)

(in order of frequency)


1.    How has AAA contributed to your success

a.    By helping improve organization, preparation for classes

b.    By helping improve time management skills

c.    By helping improve reading strategies, SQ3R



2.    What are the top three things you learned from AAA?

a.    Aims resources and services

b.    Reducing stress, stress management

c.    Time management

d.    Taking notes

e.    Growth mindset


3.    In what ways do you see yourself as different after taking AAA?

a.    Better communicator, more outgoing

b.    More confident and secure

c.    Improved attitude, Growth mindset



FA 15 Themed AAA090 Focus Group Report.docx
FA 15 Themed AAA090 Focus Group Report.docx

FA 15 Themed AAA090 Focus Group Comparison (quick) Report.docx
FA 15 Themed AAA090 Focus Group Comparison (quick) Report.docx

FA 14 AAA090 Focus Group Report For AAA Instructors.docx
FA 14 AAA090 Focus Group Report For AAA Instructors.docx

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